The companies behind two of the world's most popular video games are squaring off in court pubg corp, an affiliate of south korean studio bluehole inc, is suing the korean unit of north carolina-based epic games, arguing that its smash hit fortnite copies many of the characteristics of its own playerunknown's battlegrounds. Pubg and fortnite court. Pubg corp claims that fortnite replicates the experience for which pubg is known, without bringing anything new to the genre the genre in question is battle royale, a game mode based on a japanese movie by the same name, in which the government force a group of teenagers to fight to death.
pubg and fortnite court
Pubg and epic games, two gaming heavyweights, are going head to head in court pubg filed a lawsuit in south korea earlier this year, alleging that epic copied “fortnite” from “playerunknown. Without examining the court documents it is impossible to say, but it doesn’t appear that bluehole is saying epic has copied the source code for pubg to produce fortnite.. Korean game developer pubg, a subsidiary of bluehole, has filed a copyright violation lawsuit against u.s.-based epic games, asking a court to determine whether the latter's "fortnite" was copied.
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