Pubg is finally out on xbox one, but with the change from pc to console come some changes in how the controls work quick movements and accurate actions are paramount for success, and it pretty much goes without saying that aiming is among the most important things you'll be doing in pubgsome buttons will perform different functions when clicked or held too. Pubg grenade controls xbox. Pubg corp/microsoft use the d-pad to move up and down within a column to equip an attachment, simply highlight it and hit a hit a again once you’ve selected the correct weapon in your inventory.
pubg grenade controls xbox
Using the red trajectory data you can throw grenades accurately through windows, and even barred windows if you use it accurately to throw a grenade through a barred window you must aim between the bars in the window how to cook a grenade in pubg xbox one step 1: hold rt trigger to start grenade throw; step 2: press lb to start cooking grenade. Console - xbox one console - ps4 reload: r (hold) n/a fire-mode toggle: b: n/a equip primary 1 n/a n/a equip secondary 2 n/a n/a equip pistol 3 n/a n/a equip melee 4 n/a equip grenade 5 n/a n/a cycle weapons: scroll up / down: n/a adjust zero distance/reticle shape: page up / page down / n/a reset zero distance: mouse wheel click: n/a variable. You're browsing the gamefaqs message boards as a guest. sign up for free (or log in if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts..
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