And here are the odds on the rarest items, all found in pubg’s new free biker crates, from today’s patch notes: aviator goggles : 003% sleeveless biker jacket (brown) : 001%. Pubg crate item rarity. Elite items (brown cowboy, silver scar, military jacket etc) are around 005 which is 1 in 200 some vary again y’all shouldn’t complain about this rarity either! once you get one of these it’ll mean so much more when no one else has it keep trying, the amount of crates opened by pubg players each day chance it could be you.
pubg crate item rarity
Every test server user will be granted 100 000 bp and 6 early bird keys (the new unified pubg crate key that can open desperado and gamescom crates), so that they can test the new crates and the. List of all cosmetic items in pubg for xbox one. wanderer crate contents. as first seen in pc version of pubg, the wanderer crate is a standard crate purchased using bp. with the purchase of this. Clothing crates are cosmetic items that players can acquire and show off your player in a unique style in-game. the crates in pubg ranges from a few crates; the first one is a free crate that requires a key to open (a key that you have to buy with real currency). this crate allows pubg corp to create free dlc packs down the road from new.
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