We are also open to applicants who do not meet minimum requirements if their pubg content is outstanding 150 average concurrent viewers; partner-exclusive custom game access + select exclusive content season passes and other in-game codes for personal use and giveaways to your community. Pubg custom game requirements. Pubg: custom match modes there are a limited number of custom game modes to get stuck into on a regular basis here’s a list of them all so far: normal mode; zombies; war (team deathmatch) with these being custom matches, the creator of the game will be able to tinker with game settings to add their own flavour.
pubg custom game requirements
Custom matches can be created by going to play -> custom match there are no special requirements to creating a custom match but a minimum of 8 players are required to start a game please check below for more details 1: creating matches 1-1 : normal mode a : basic settings b : rule settings c : spawn settings # create match - normal mode. Pubg was a highly successful early access game on steam, but reviews for the game began to take a turn for the worse as optimization and server issues began to arise. because of some of these issues, the system requirements for pubg have been officially changed to more accurately reflect the type of pc needed to get it running.. Opening up custom games to the whole player base of pubg simply wouldn't be viable at this stage in my opinion. each custom game requires its own unique server instance and having 1000s of people running their own custom games all the time on rented hardware probably wouldn't be feasible..
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