Pubg: how to change to burst and single shot with playerunknown’s battlegrounds (pubg) taking the video game world by storm, be sure to check out this guide to know how to set yourself up to win!. Pubg auto vs single. General discussion of pubg rules and ban reasons is allowed no discord ban appeals when you have it on auto and want to single shot, there are times when you hold your click in juuust a fraction of a second too long and shoot off more than 1 shot it's not the end of the world but it can throw off your aim w/ the extra recoil and get you.
pubg auto vs single
A popular conundrum among pubg mobile players is the choice of weapon between the m416 and the scar-l the scar-l is a very easy-to-find weapon in pubg mobilemost of the time, players will pick. Single shot vs auto/burst. for once because the core game is incredible and it has so much potential that is just wasted because of the decisions pubg corp makes. 1.3k. 327 comments. share. save hide report. continue browsing in r/pubattlegrounds. r/pubattlegrounds. 933k. joined. 1.1k. alive.. M16 always keep on single unless you’re spraying a car from medium to close range or you’re in a building and youre just going to spam burst someone. all other guns you’d put on full auto and if you want to be more accurate just tap it rather than hold down trigger. pretty sire thats what shroud does alot of the time, theres not really any different if you get the timing right between.
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