Fix pubg mobile voice chat problem or mic not working issue - from the launch of pubg mobile, players have been facing the voice chat issues on the game most of the times mic doesn't work and players can't use voice chat feature since the voice chat is one of the most important thing that helps you to communicate among your team mates while in a game, it's a major problem for gamers. Pubg mobile pc mic problem. Here is the link from the official website to download the pubg mobile emulator though it takes quite some time to download, it is a decent one-off investment you won’t have any mic issues playing with the emulator, however before you play the game on your pc, make sure laptop’s microphone (or your headphone’s microphone if you are.
pubg mobile pc mic problem
The emulator has been officially developed by ancient and is doing great it makes pubg mobile available on pc the emulator also helps us in skipping the cost of buying pubg pc however, there are some problems which you might encounter while playing the game on pubg emulator have you ever faced any kind of problem while playing games on. If there is a latest patch available, simply install it and it will fix your voice and pubg audio not working problem for good. fix 2: make sure mic is enabled (for windows 10 users) if you find that the audio is not working in pubg in windows, then simply check the audio settings of the os. you need to turn on microphone permission for pubg.. If the pubg mobile is unable to load or causing the problem with the installation you can try a different emulator like bluestacks, nox player. the emulator is capable of handling heavy games and download pubg mobile from play store directly onto the emulator. read: best pubg emulator for pc for windows and mac.
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