Iphone pubg mobile vs android pubg mobile | which mobile is better for pubg in 2020 android gamer iphone(ios) vs android - best device for pubg ? - duration: 4:49 hfv unbox 367,044 views. Pubg android vs ios. Ios vs android: india today league 2020 pubg mobile gamers pick their favourite in the lead up to the india today league 2020: pubg mobile invitational, top gamers shared some heartwarming stories about their pubg avatars and how their journeys began in gaming.
pubg android vs ios
In today's pubg mobile video we're going to determine which operating system has easier recoil control android or ios? let's find out! thank you guys so much for watching the video! leave a like. On ios side there were the iphone 8 plus and the iphone 5s. representing the android side were the galaxy s9+ (exynos), oneplus 5t, redmi note 5 pro and the redmi 5. as expected, the game ran best. This article, i am going to provide you the best pubg mobile sensitivity settings for ios and android devices. these settings are mostly used by famous indian and indonesian gamers like soul clan and tsm entitym, btr, and godl so please shared this useful setting to your teammates as well so they can also play like a pro player..
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