Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Conan Exiles Key Bindings Not Working

Conan exiles > general discussions > topic details snowhunter jan 30, 2017 @ 10:56pm key bindings trying to set up the wasd keys to the up and down arrows and left and right for my wife what tells this about the game if the devs are not able to get simple key-bindings to work :-( a ♥♥♥♥ing 1€ game can do this :-( #11 araminta. Conan exiles key bindings not working. Keybindings not working? or is it me? question/help close 1 in configurations, if i try to change my keybindings it just doesnt work, it won't let me change for any key, is this happening to everyone? i would like to say that i just love the changes devs did to combat, it is way smoother now, being able to dodge while attacking is golden.

conan exiles key bindings not working

Visual map of conan exiles keyboard controls click on the image for a clearer view pc action default notes toggle main menu-open the menu and select "main menu" toggle the menu: esc or no key = "can't be used by the game" the game does not allow for mouse and keyboard input on console.

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